Well, we had an adventuresome night in the mil10 household. EK got to make his first and hopefully last trip to the ER. It all started at his last basketball practice of the season, he and his teamates were chasing after a loose ball when he slid into the metal garage door.
You see he practicies at the Travis gym. Several of these gyms used to be open to the outdoors. A few years ago these were closed in, but they closed them in using large metal garage doors. That way when the weather was nice they could be opened back up for some fresh air.
When he hit the door, of course being the "tough love" parents that we are, I remained seated and JMM just kept saying "You're alright, get up, its okay." Of course we were just thinking he would have a big ugly knot on his head. However when he got up, JMM was able to tell immediately that is was more serious than expected. JMM stopped the bleeding with his hand and I rushed to the car to get some napkins to apply to stop the bleeding. Another b-ball parent had a kleenex that she gave them to stop in the meantime. The coach went and found the Travis custodian and the custodian got some band-aids from the first aide kit. By this point the bleeding had slowed down, we put a band-aid on it and headed to Nurse Grams to find out if this was going to require a trip to ER.
Of course Nurse Grams confirmed the news we were dreading, so we headed to the hospital. Once there we decided to try the PCA night clinic and see if they could handle this situation. Once the nurse saw the injury, she informed us we would need to head to ER.
And the wait begins. I have always heard stories about how long people wait in ER, so I guess considering we made it out of there by midnight is pretty good. When we finally saw a Dr. and they took a look at it they confirmed it would need 2 or 3 stitches. They applied some blue stuff to numb the area first, which had to sit on the area for over 30 minutes. Once the blue stuff had sat and numbed the area enough so they could clean it, they came back. The nurse cleaned the area and stitched him up.
He now has 3 stitches on the side of his left temple at the end of his eyebrow. He is so proud because everyone keeps telling him that will make him look tough. He did an amazing job at the hospital. I am so proud that he is my son.