Would you think that hanging this BIG sign is a one man job? Apparently it is! Go Mavs.
Waiting to enter.
Inside. Ready and waiting.
Two lanyards, one t-shirt, and glow teeth!
Sidewalk Prophets' set included Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror." Unexpected, yet enjoyable!
It was hard to photograph the lead singer from Remedy Drive. The group is made up of four brothers from Nebraska. David Zach, the lead singer, made it a point to tell us that they are from Nebraska. They are from Nebraska. They are from Nebraska. After hearing it at least three times I am pretty sure that I for sure won't forget that they are from Nebraska. I should point out the reflector strips on his shirt. Way cool. He also did a lot of jumping and flipping over the piano. Again, way cool.
Stage lighting effects are too hard to photograph. This was taken when Fee was performing.
A closer view of Fee's front man Steve Fee. mr. and mrs. mil10 now know that they like Fee music much more than before the concert. We will need to get more of that.
Francesca Battistelli was next to take the stage. Since mrs. mil10 was looking forward to hearing her the most, I wasn't surprised that she went home with a "Free to be me" t-shirt.
Two of the members of Family Force 5. I can't say that I am familiar with their music. Now I can say that I am, but don't want to be made familiar with it again. It's ok. To each their own. It just wasn't for me.
They were hard to photograph, but if you look closely you can see the Hulk hands that lead singer Solomon Olds (a.k.a. Soul Glow Activator, well that's what Wikipedia says anyway) wore while he sang, dance, jumped, and ran across the stage. Would coworkers think me strange if I wore a pair of those to work? I am starting to think I could pull it off!
If I ever get to join a rock band I hope I get to play the tambourine! It is probably the only instrument they would trust me with.
These guys were really hard to photograph. At one point in FF5's set these hooded men came out waving white towels. I am sure it had some true connection to the lyrical content, but I jokingly said they were coming to help clean up all of the blood coming out of my ears. The music was REALLY loud! Again, it's ok. To each their own. It just wasn't for me.
EK liked it though. He was fist pumpin'.
David Crowder*Band!
We don't have to know why the gnome was here! It just was.
Now playing a green mini keyboard thing under the glow of stage lighting.
I noticed this drum set earlier in the night and wondered why it was sitting up so high. Would a drummer climb so high to play? Now I see it playing by itself! Then we find out that it is Steve-3PO!
One of the many times during the evening that the entire audience was singing along.
MercyMe's Bart Millard. Let's get things going with a little Beatles' music.
Notice the nice silhouette against the electronic display. Cool huh. During the song "Move" the generous Mr. Lovewell himself came onstage to dance carrying his heart-shaped balloon and wearing his bowler hat. Apparently I enjoyed to too much to stop and take a picture. Here is a picture of the upcoming cd cover so you can get the idea.
Modie really liked the "dressed up" look that the MercyMe guys carried off. I couldn't help but think how hot they must be in those suits!
Confetti! EK tried to collect as many pieces as he could.
"You Reign"
The evening ended in a familiar way. The audience was asked to sing and we did. There is nothing like the voices of several thousand people joining together to sing praises to the Lord!
Thanks for the great night, Rock and Worship Roadshow. See you in 2011!