Thursday, April 1, 2010

BIG: The 'Big'inning

Every story needs a beginning.  This is more of a 'big'inning.

In January Denyse at To Bee or Not To Bee introduced me to NaBloPoMo, or National Blog Posting Month. Everyday I would eagerly venture over to her blog and read her month-long daily postings centered on the theme "best." Although it sounded like a neat idea, I came on board too late to participate. February and March had themes that I wasn't sure that I could write about every single day for entire month.

However, this month's BIG theme lends itself more readily to a daily entry. Well, I say that before I start. We'll see how that's going on day sixteen or twenty-seven!

According to the NaBloPoMo website, "people who want to set the habit of blogging by doing it every day for a month, including weekends, can come here for moral support, inspiration, and the camaraderie that only marathon blogging can provide." Doesn't that sound like fun?

I might need some support, but I am looking forward to attempting a month of blogging daily. Things have gotten a little dusty around here lately. After all, there have only been fourteen posts in all of 2010! Let's see if we can bump that number up a little. I am already getting ideas for this BIG topic. Best of all, this project may just help me keep my mind off of a BIG event happening at the end of the month.

1 comment:

  1. I've been so out of the loop lately that I'm just now catching up on blog-reading. Way to go, you are half-way through now! Keep up the BIG work ;)
